This is our first tournament. So we will try to keep it as simple as possible. We are all here to have fun and to play, so be nice and play nice.
Determining final standing:
We are organizing a 3-round swiss-style tournament with room for up to eight players.
The winner of the tournament is the last undefeated person in the tournament. Each round you play an opponent who has the same amount of points. The organisers set up the pairings for each round.
Adjudication committee:
The organizers will most probably be participating in the tournament. Therefore, we will, at the beginning of the tournament, ask three experienced players to form an adjudication committee. This committee will have final word in case of rules disputes or other adjudication is necessary.
Choosing scenarios (the ASO-way):
There are two ways of choosing a scenario;
1) you could agree on one of the three scenarios or
2) use the following method; Both of you choose one of the three scenarios which you will not play, and give the other 2 a priority of 1-2. In case of an equal “priority score” (2-1 vs 1-2) you will roll a dice to determine which scenario you are going to play.
Bidding for side:
For this tournament we use the standard balance provisions given by the publisher. So, one bids for side, and can bid 0 or 1 to give the other side their balance. No bids are legal. Cross bids are honoured.
Players HIP sheets are subject to tournament committee inspection (not to your opponent if your opponent is in the committee). Please show your HIP sheet to your opponent when needed during the game.
Infantry Fire Table:
The standard IFT Fire table is the default fire table used. If both players agree you may use the IIFT.
We would like all players to use Precision Dice if possible. Some kind of dice-rolling-equipment is required. You can use a dice-cup, throw the dice into a glass or use a dice-tower.
Please show consideration and try to use a low noise method.
RULES (The same as ASO 2019-rules):
The tournament uses the official ASL Rules, 2nd. edition, with the exceptions of the TOURNAMENT SSR’s as mentioned below
– Kindling is NA in all scenarios (B25.11)
– No Snap-shots across walls/hedges
– If the scenario contains OBA please use the following “Pleva Rule”: Each red card/chit drawn as per C1.21 is mixed back into the pile, along with another red card/chit. Battery access is never lost due to drawing two red cards/chits. Extra card draw mechanics remain the same.
– In all scenarios, with building control, building hex control or building location control rubbled building hexes still counts for Victory Condition purposes. Note, falling rubble outside original building hexes does not count for Victory Condition Purposes.
– For vehicular mounted FT TK attempt vs an enemy AFV the following TK DRM apply:
Case A DRMs
Firer in Motion +2
Target in Motion +2
Concealed AFV +2
Regardless of the DRMs an Original DR of 2 is a Burn result and an Original DR of 3 is an Elim result if not already a Burn result.
AFV crews cannot voluntarily abandon (D5.4) their vehicle. AFV crews can also not intentionally disable their MA/SA in order to be able to abandon their vehicle (A.973)
Radios and Phones malfunction on a Radio Contact/Maintenance DR of 12. Radios have an R# value of 2. Phones have an R# value of 2. Both have no X#. (C1.22-C1.23)
Amendment to B26.53 (in bold): Whenever a fully-tracked vehicle passes a Bog check when entering a Wire hex through non-VBM, it removes that Wire counter from the hex if the colored dr of the Bog DR is 1.