CC 2025 Announcement

The Corona challenge (CC) is back on VASL, in the same format as last year.

CC 2025 will be held in two groups (the HtH group and the Melee group, see below)*, and a player can choose to participate in only one of the two groups. The winner of each group will then meet in the Super-final (this round is also open to the other players).

You will play three rounds in your chosen group. In each round you are paired with an opponent, and play one scenario chosen from a list of three**. Each round will have a maximum playing time of 2–3 months, so the schedule should not be too taxing.

  • Round 1: April 1st–May 31st
  • Round 2: June 1st–August 31st
  • Round 3: September 1st–October 31st
  • Super-final: November 1st–December 31st

CC 2025 is a friendly tournament open by invitation only. If you have a friend who you would like to recommend for invitation, please contact Øyvind.

The results will be reported to ASL-ratings.

The tournament fee for CC2025 is NOK 120, EUR 10, USD 10 or DKK 80. The tournament fee covers a prize for the winner.

*The groups

Subject to sufficient interest (at least 4 players in each group), the players will be divided into the following groups:

  • The HtH group: Playing scenarios with a suggested playing time of 4-6 hours (“tournament scenarios”).
  • The Melee group: Playing scenarios with a suggested playing time of 6-10 hours.

**The scenarios

In each round you will choose between three scenarios suggested by the TD, or you can agree with your opponent to play a different scenario.

The TD-chosen scenarios will be published at the start of each round.

To participate

Send an email to before March 28, and pay the tournament fee on PayPal to the same email address. Please state which group you would prefer to participate in.

Rich won CC2024

Rich beat Oddgeir in the CC2024 Superfinal. Oddgeir was undefeated in the Melee section. In a close final vs Rich, the winner of the HtH section, Rich’s Germans won in ASL75 Strangers in a Strange Land.

CC 2024 results


Oddgeir (Fr) vs Rich (G) in ASL75 Strangers in a Strange Land: 0-1

Andy (A) vs Tuomo (NK) in AP178 Walkers Orders: 1-0
Hans vs Neil

HtH group

Round 1

Rich (P) vs Magne (G) in BoF13 Totensonntag: 1-0
Hans(G) vs Andy (Br) in RBF-14 Kampfgruppe Lang: 0-1

Round 2

Rich vs Hans in J223 Latecomers:0-1
Andy (It) vs Magne (Fr) in J223 Latecomers: 1-0

Round 3

Andy vs Rich in J232 Aussie Spirit: 0-1
Hans-Magne: 0-1
(The winner of Andy-Rich proceeds to the Superfinal.)

Melee group

Round 1

Olav (Allies) vs Oddgeir (Axis) in 283 Gift of Time: 0-1
Øyvind* (Axis) vs Neil (Allies) in 283 Gift of Time: 0-1
Tuomo (G) vs Øyvind (Br) in 37 Khamsin: 1-0

  • This game counts only for Neil

Round 2

Oddgeir (G) vs Neil (A) in AP196 Silver and Bronze: 1-0
Olav (R) vs Tuomo (G) in Pipkorn’s Attempt: 0-1

Round 3

Tuomo vs Oddgeir in BFP-51 Kwajalein Crush (Winner moves to the Super-final): 0-1
Neil-Øyvind not played

CC 2024 Announcement

The Corona challenge (CC) is back on VASL, in a slightly different format.

CC 2024 will be held in two groups (the HtH group and the Melee group, see below), and a player can choose to participate in only one of the two groups. The winner of each group will then meet in the Super-final.

You will play three rounds: One round each from the PTO, DTO and ETO. In each round you are paired with an opponent, and play one scenario chosen from a list of three. Each round will have a maximum playing time of 2–3 months, so the schedule should not be too taxing.

  • Round 1: April 1st–May 31st
  • Round 2: June 1st–August 31st
  • Round 3: September 1st–October 31st
  • Super-final: November 1st–December 31st

CC 2024 is a friendly tournament open by invitation only. If you have a friend who you would like to recommend for invitation, please contact Øyvind.

The tournament fee for CC2024 is NOK 100, EUR 10, USD 10 or DKK 70. The tournament fee covers a prize for the winner.

To participate, please contact Øyvind at no later than March 23rd.

Group 1: The HtH group

This group plays quick scenarios with a playing time of 3-6 hours.

Round 1: DTO

▾ Kampfgruppe Lang*

*This is changed since the first announcement

▾ A Well-Engineered Ambush

▾ Carrier Hill

Round 2: ETO

▾ Latecomers

▾ Eye of the Tiger

▾ Nord’s End

Round 3: PTO

▾ Aussie Spirit

▾ All The King’s Enemies

▾ Buckley’s Chance

Group 2: The Melee group

This group plays larger scenarios with a playing time of 8-15 hours, giving an opportunity to play scenarios that are not so commonly played. Please only choose this group if you are not a slow player.

This group will only be started if there are at least 4 participants. If there is an odd number of participants in this group, one participant might be paired with a participant in the other group in each round, playing a shorter scenario.

Round 1: DTO

▾ Gift of Time

▾ Khamsin

▾ “They’re Here! Reverse!”

Round 2: ETO

▾ Silver & Bronze

▾ Pipkorn’s Attempt

▾ The Big Cat’s Lair

Round 3: PTO

▾ Kwajalein Crush

▾ White Beach 1

▾ Tropic Lightning

Super-final round

This is optional for all other players than the winners of the two groups. It consists of shorter scenarios only.

▾ Walker’s Orders (KW)

▾ Strangers in a Strange Land

▾ The Last Day of the Cuneense

Team Tournament Champions 2021

I haven’t reported the CCTT champions of 2021, but here they are:

Tron, Michael, Andy, and Neil won after a playoff against the team of Tuomo, Mikko, Luca and Erik. Congratulations!

They also had very good team collaboration.

CC-2022: The Corona Challenge, chapter Omicron

We are once again providing a friendly, invitational VASL* tournament for the Bodø ASL group and friends in these virtual times. We have been very happy with the participation for the previous editions, and the players have been unanimously positive about the tournament and opponents.

Mario Aceto made these nice prizes for CC2021

The tournament is a Swiss style setup with no player elimination, 4–5 rounds, with one month to play each round during winter-spring 2022. (It is possible to skip rounds or leave the tournament, please just let the CinC know.)

To provide for a 1st prize, we will collect a tournament fee of NOK 50/EUR 5/USD 5 from each player.

If you want to participate, please contact Øyvind by January 9., 2022. (See contact information below)


Round 1: 17. jan – 11. feb

Round 2: 14. feb – 11. mar

Round 3: 14. mar – 8. apr

Round 4: 18. apr – 13. may

Round 5 (if needed, otherwise optional): 16. may – 10. jun


Tournament rules

Registered players

CC-CinC: Øyvind Jacobsen Bjørkås (contact information)

( *VASL: If you are inexperienced with playing on VASL, please do not hesitate to contact Øyvind to set up a training session. )