We are once again providing a friendly, invitational VASL* tournament for the Bodø ASL group and friends in these virtual times. We have been very happy with the participation for the previous editions, and the players have been unanimously positive about the tournament and opponents.

The tournament is a Swiss style setup with no player elimination, 4–5 rounds, with one month to play each round during winter-spring 2022. (It is possible to skip rounds or leave the tournament, please just let the CinC know.)
To provide for a 1st prize, we will collect a tournament fee of NOK 50/EUR 5/USD 5 from each player.
If you want to participate, please contact Øyvind by January 9., 2022. (See contact information below)
Round 1: 17. jan – 11. feb
Round 2: 14. feb – 11. mar
Round 3: 14. mar – 8. apr
Round 4: 18. apr – 13. may
Round 5 (if needed, otherwise optional): 16. may – 10. jun
CC-CinC: Øyvind Jacobsen Bjørkås (contact information)
( *VASL: If you are inexperienced with playing on VASL, please do not hesitate to contact Øyvind to set up a training session. )